This is my writing sample. The brief for this writing sample was "describe a time when your actions spoke louder that your words". So I wrote this fictional story. Enjoy!
Boiling Furious
Boiling Furious. That's how I was feeling. All It took was 1 slap across the face and I was without dinner for a night. I couldn't get to sleep with all these hateful emotions stuck in my head. This is a story of how I got into this mess.
It was a scorching summer afternoon. After a long hard working day of school, I was dying to get home. I raced home up the road and along the footpath on my bike.
As I pulled up the driveway on my bike all I could think about was the ice block I had been saving. "Icy cold lemonade flavor, mmmmm" Quickly after parking my bike I made a beeline for the freezer.
That's when it hit me. Sitting soaking up the sun, licking my lemonade ice block was atawhai! Instantly, my face screwed up. It turned as red as a tomato. I was a volcano about to erupt. My face told all the emotions I was feeling. Storming toward her, I slapped her right across the face. It was the kind of slap that left a mark.
So that's how I got here. Sulking on my pillow. Awake at night with an empty stomach. Flooded inside with all these emotions. Hate, sickening jealousy, anger. But most of all I just felt Boiling Furious!
The End