
Monday, 26 November 2018

About 3 weeks ago my class started using again. I havent used for ages but then my teachers set it as a priority for this term. I only just thought of posting this on my blog, so sorry it wasn't posted 3 weeks ago.

NONE of my progress saved from erlier this year because I think I got another password and username. So I had an emty trophy cabnet and NO diplomas. So I had to start all over again!

After about a week of perseverance I had filled my whole trophy cabnet. I had a diploma for each timestables bundle* (*1-12x tables) and gold medals for all the other timestables test. I also had my big and little diploma. Here's some photos of my MOOLA. (Right)

Thursday, 22 November 2018

Hamilton Gardens

Last weekend my family and I went to hamilton Gardens. Hamilton Gardens is a huge area of land dedicated to big amazing gardens that look like they belong in a palace! Each garden is unique and was built/grown acording to a theme. My favorite one was the Italian garden.

When I was at the Italian garden I noticed tht they had put white-ish/ cream /light browny looking small stones on the garden paths to make It look authentic. The Italyion garden had 2-3 meter squares with short shaped hedges around the outside of each one. On the inside there were flowers and flat scolpted concrete paterns.

It also had a big water foutain in the middle souronded by 4 lions. The fountain had water comming out the top, and the lions had water comming out of their mouths. The lions and fountain were inside a small circular pool. It was seperated from four bigger, almost square, pools that each had a small bite shaped quater circle cut out of one corner, so that the circle pool fit in the center of them.

At the end of the garden there was a cool, old-time looking building with big pillars and a passage leading through to the other side of the building. The other side was amazing! It was a shady balcony with a spectacular veiw of the Waikato River! 

Here is some photos of some of the gardens...

Here is a link to a cool photo of the Indian Garden. Scroll down past the first photo. Then look for the next one. 

Monday, 19 November 2018

King Of The Mountain.

This is a maths thing that my class had to do. The layout is like a mountain, which is why I call this activity "King Of The Mountain". It is actually called times tables mountain but that sounds kinda lame, so I renamed it. My teacher reckoned I could do the mountain in under three minutes and she was obviously right. So I set myself another challenge of trying to get under TWO minutes on my next attempt. Here's the results...

I only just completed the my challenge with a time of 1 minute 57 seconds only 2 seconds and 46 milliseconds and I would have failed! Here is the evidence. It's a screenshot of the timer when I stopped it.

Wednesday, 14 November 2018

Halloween Storybird Assignment

This is my halloween Storybird poem. In this Storybird I flicked through the picture backgrounds until I found one that was more my style and that I liked. Then I pieced together my poem. I did a bit of mix and matching with my words and sentences trying to find the best fit. Because there is selection of words to chose from, (I couldn't just type whatever, I had to pick out of the words that were there) I had to think about trying to tell whoever was reading the poem, what was going on, without actually making full sentences. (If you get what I mean.) Anyway, here is my poem. Enjoy!

Tuesday, 6 November 2018

Boiling Furious

This is my writing sample. The brief for this writing sample was "describe a time when your actions spoke louder that your words". So I wrote this fictional story. Enjoy!

Boiling Furious

Boiling Furious. That's how I was feeling. All It took was 1 slap across the face and I was without dinner for a night. I couldn't get to sleep with all these hateful emotions stuck in my head. This is a story of how I got into this mess.

It was a scorching summer afternoon. After a long hard working day of school, I was dying to get home. I raced home up the road and along the footpath on my bike.

   As I pulled up the driveway on my bike all I could think about was the ice block I had been saving.   "Icy cold lemonade flavor, mmmmm" Quickly after parking my bike I made a beeline for the freezer.

That's when it hit me. Sitting soaking up the sun, licking my lemonade ice block was atawhai! Instantly, my face screwed up. It turned as red as a tomato. I was a volcano about to erupt. My face told all the emotions I was feeling. Storming toward her, I slapped her right across the face. It was the kind of slap that left a mark.

So that's how I got here. Sulking on my pillow. Awake at night with an empty stomach. Flooded inside with all these emotions. Hate, sickening jealousy, anger. But most of all I just felt Boiling Furious!

The End