
Thursday, 21 June 2018

Maths DLO For Use The Part Unknown Strategy To Compare Amounts.

Kia ora. This is my DLO for my new strategy. (DLO stands for Digital Learning Objective) With this DLO, instead of just using screencastify, I used google slides. It took a super long time to make this DLO, and it has some pretty cool animations that I created. I am really proud of this DLO, but one thing that you have got to watch out for, is that the slides go super fast so try your best to keep up with them! Another thing is that each slide will auto switch to the next one if you do not click the "NEXT" arrow within one minute of that slide starting. Anyway here is my DLO. I hope you enjoy it.

Times Table Diplomas

Kia ora. This week our focus was on times tables. We went to  to help us learn our times tables. Our goals were to get our big and little Diploma tests finished with no mistakes. I have already reached my goal and now I am trying to get my trophy cabinet filled with times table medals. My next steps after that is to master my 8x tables. Here is some screenshots of my Diplomas.

Friday, 15 June 2018

Chapter chat Activity, Brazilian Wandering Spider Warning Poster.

Kia ora. Here is another Chapter Chat activity. This one is a WARNING poster for the words most poisonous spider; the Brazilian Wandering Spider. If you ever see one I advise you to not touch it.
Here is a picture of my work.

This is my Brazilian Wandering Spider warning poster.

Wednesday, 13 June 2018

Quick Write Poem

Kia Ora. This is my quick write poem that I did on This assignment is about a messy room. I found this assignment challenging but fun at the same time because I had to make use with the words I was given. Overall I love using and encourage more people to try it out. Anyway, here is a screenshot of my poem.

My Storybird poem

Matariki Story Comic Strip

Kia ora, this week for reading I was assigned to retell the story of Matariki. This is a reading activity that I have done . It is a Comic strip of the Matariki story. I am very proud of this Comic strip, it took a lot of hard work and effort. Here is a picture of my work.

Matariki Comic strip